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Купленная мамой петарда оторвала два пальца восьмилетнему мальчику из Сочи

В Сочи 8-летний ребёнок серьёзно пострадал из-за взрыва петарды, которую купила мама. После взрыва пиротехнического изделия мальчику оторвало два пальца на левой руке.

The main conceptual idea of the text is the serious danger of fireworks, even when bought by parents, and the importance of child safety around pyrotechnics. The article highlights a tragic incident where an eight-year-old boy in Sochi lost two fingers due to a homemade firework bought by his mother. It emphasizes the need for parents to be extra cautious about handling and storing fireworks, and to educate children on the potential harm they can cause.

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